Leigh Ellwood

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

One door closes, another opens

Dear readers, forgive my elusive nature. I've been waiting to make this announcement, but since it appears other authors are "coming out," so to speak, I suppose I should make a formal statement as well.

Officially, I am no longer with Venus Press. I have received the rights back to my three works there, and have placed all of them with Phaze for future publication. Under Covers will be expedited for rerelease in February, while The Healing and Standing Guard will be revised for later publication. This was not an easy decision to make, and I will not contribute anything more to the rumor mill, except that I am grateful to VP for the opportunity to share my work with their readers.

I do not know what the future of Venus Press will be, but I wish all the authors and staff the best in their endeavors.

everything by leigh
click a cover for info

Truth or Dare Dare Me
Daring Young Man Double Dare
Dulce A Winter's Dare
Jack of Hearts Jack of Diamonds
Voyeur Muse
Love's DoMINion Taste This
Under Covers Spellfire Special
Sinful Sundaes sinful sundaes 2
Dragons, Elves, and Myths Jaded Beasts