Leigh Ellwood

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Friday, September 16, 2005

Shoes and Socks and Sex

Bad news from B&J (get your mind out of the gutter for two seconds, please?) The Cherry Garcia socks I had planned to send in the Spellfire gift basket are out of stock, as is the free pint coupon. So, I'm scrambling for alternatives. I found some kicky, Romanesque sandals here on BottomDollarShoes.com, but I fear I might keep such a gift for myself...you know, for research. I could write off the purchase that way.

But the Obsessive design, I don't know...my arches ache just looking at them.

everything by leigh
click a cover for info

Truth or Dare Dare Me
Daring Young Man Double Dare
Dulce A Winter's Dare
Jack of Hearts Jack of Diamonds
Voyeur Muse
Love's DoMINion Taste This
Under Covers Spellfire Special
Sinful Sundaes sinful sundaes 2
Dragons, Elves, and Myths Jaded Beasts