Leigh Ellwood

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Friday, September 02, 2005

Prep for the EP, Pray for NOLA

Just about every Yahoo list I get has posted an announcement about the 2006 EPPIEs, the annual awarding of the best in electronic books. This year I have four titles that qualify: Truth or Dare, Dare, Voyeur, and The Stars Look Down. All could be submitted for consideration under the erotica category, but the entry fee times four is a bit too much for me. Scratch that, six titles - The Healing and Midnight Treasures are due in the eligibility period.

I think I will only enter one title and chip in with the other Midnight authors for the anthology category. Good thing I renewed my membership to EPIC in time to make the member fee discount.

I'm sure the money could do much better helping Katrina refugees. I do plan to donate to the cause, though, and this weekend I'll be getting some of the baby's clothes together to send to a relief organization. And I need to give blood - one advantage to being the universal donor is that you're always welcome.

Haven't done much writing of late, too busy with the real world, but with the three day weekend coming I hope to break 20K on Daring Young Man and maybe get some of Double Dare done. I've ignored that one too long. I'm also looking into an exciting project - podcasting. I got an iPod Shuffle for my birthday recently and have been listening to some podcasts. I think podcasting would be a great way to promote books, offer excerpts and reviews and publisher news. If I'm diligent, I might find a way to create audio books for download. I know Ann Regentin recently delved into this medium by making her own audio version of The Dream Ring.

I just wonder if I can read my work with a straight face.

everything by leigh
click a cover for info

Truth or Dare Dare Me
Daring Young Man Double Dare
Dulce A Winter's Dare
Jack of Hearts Jack of Diamonds
Voyeur Muse
Love's DoMINion Taste This
Under Covers Spellfire Special
Sinful Sundaes sinful sundaes 2
Dragons, Elves, and Myths Jaded Beasts