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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Well (Romantically) Timed

Three stars for Truth or Dare from RT Book Club Magazine, in the Romantic Times convention issue to boot! I'm very pleased with the review, and glad that the reviewer liked Ellie and Brady. It was a relief to see such a nice review, because I understand RT can be particular. Congrats to Phazette Devi, too, for being a Top Pick.

If you get the latest RT Book Club, check out the Phaze ad toward the end. I hope they'll take to Muse and Dare Me even more to Truth.

everything by leigh
click a cover for info

Truth or Dare Dare Me
Daring Young Man Double Dare
Dulce A Winter's Dare
Jack of Hearts Jack of Diamonds
Voyeur Muse
Love's DoMINion Taste This
Under Covers Spellfire Special
Sinful Sundaes sinful sundaes 2
Dragons, Elves, and Myths Jaded Beasts