Leigh Ellwood

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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Writer, Heal Thyself!

My novella in progress, The Healing, is no longer in progress. It is completed and submitted, woo! Final count was just over 15K words, and it is strictly an M/M erotic romance, with a vampire. I'm very curious to see how it is received. I've only written male/male romance as fan fiction, which is quite popular in the Trek fandoms. Type in slash fan fiction in Google and you'll find a wealth of it, I'm sure. If it's accepted, I'll need to take a crash course on marketing this kind of fiction. Do I approach strictly gay resources, or the usual romance review websites? Anybody who has written and published M/M is welcome to contact me with advice.

Still time to enter the Oscar pick contest. I'm ashamed to say I've not seen any of the movies, but the way the buzz is going it could go any way for a lot of categories. I think Jamie Foxx will win something, though. It would be a shame to see him go home empty-handed after the year he's had. But if I were to predict, I'd say: The Aviator and Scorcese, Jamie Foxx, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman (he's due) and Cate Blanchett. Come back next week and see how I did.

everything by leigh
click a cover for info

Truth or Dare Dare Me
Daring Young Man Double Dare
Dulce A Winter's Dare
Jack of Hearts Jack of Diamonds
Voyeur Muse
Love's DoMINion Taste This
Under Covers Spellfire Special
Sinful Sundaes sinful sundaes 2
Dragons, Elves, and Myths Jaded Beasts